Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great Vegetarian Meals Made Easy

As I’m sure you know, vegetables are really good for you. As time goes by, the studies on them are more and more conclusive. But while there are dazzling displays of vegetables in farmers’ markets and supermarkets these days, it’s still not always so easy to get them into meals.

Time and inspiration are often hard to come by at the end of a long day, and you may also be facing vegetable skeptics at the table. At lunchtime, fast food beckons, - and at the moment may seem more appetizing than the raw carrots and dip you packed in your lunchbox.

I decided to figure out a way around this a few years back, and started creating all kinds of delicious and interesting yet simple, nutritionally complete main dishes that centered around vegetables. I was determined to do this using only a few other ingredients besides the vegetable itself, to make shopping and pantry stocking easy and affordable.

And I wanted these meals to be flexible enough to serve for dinner, pack in a lunchbox or grab for breakfast before running out the door in the morning.

So began my culinary adventures, and they continue to this day. I've seen so many benefits, including the fact that I've kept off the 7 pounds that disappeared when I started cooking and eating this way.   I hope my ideas will inspire you to include more vegetables in your own meals.

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